Browser compatibility report

Check all of the features below to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements to access and display course components on the Learning Hub LMS.

If you are having viewing issues, you can use the report below to help you with troubleshooting.
Feature Requirement Your outcome
OS Learning Hub @ Peter Mac supports the following operating systems:
  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Linux
The following mobile operating systems are supported:
  • iPhone/iPad
  • Android
  • Internet Explorer - 11 and later
  • Mozilla Firefox - 87.0 and later
  • Opera - 74.0 and later
  • Safari - 14.0 and later
  • Google Chrome - 89.0 and later
  • Mobile browsers: Android, iPad and iPhone browsers
JavaScript JavaScript is required for full functionality of the LMS.
Cookies Cookies are required for full functionality of the LMS.
Pop-up windows Some pages of the LMS require that pop-up windows are allowed in the browser.
Connection speed Recommended minimum connection speed for smooth loading of LMS is 1024 Kbit/s. You can test your actual upload and download speed below.


Measure speed : - MB/s


Measure speed : - MB/s